Multiplexores MPLS-TP et CE2.0 PT7860A PT7860A 10GE MPLS-TP and CE2.0 Multiplexer with PDH Circuit Emulation HX9500R-PTN HX9500R-PTN-6U Modular Hybrid SDH/SONET STM4-1/OC12-3 and TDM/PDH with Voice / Analogue / Data / SCADA interfaces HX9400R-PTN HX9400R-PTN-6U Modular SDH/SONET STM1-4 / OC3-12, concentration node for SDH, E1/T1/E3DS3 and Ethernet traffic Support Contact Us Other Redes MPLS-TP / TDM / SDH / PDH Multiplexores MPLS-TP et CE2.0 Multiplexores SDH Multiplexores PDH/E1 TDM over IP Conversión y ampliación TDM C37.94 a E1 / SDH / Convertidor óptico